CASEY cat lovers are in for a special treat next month.
The Feline Control Council of Victoria is holding a special Christmas All Breeds Cat Show on Sunday 23 November at the Berwick Leisure Centre.
Feline Control Council member Irene Taylor said the two-hour show would provide fun for the whole family.
“Come and see the festivity spring show of cats.
“It may not be spring horse racing but the competition is just as fierce to win top placing.
“And to be the Supreme Breed Exhibit of the show has the same prestige as winning the Melbourne Cup.
“There will be all different breeds of cats from long hair to short and from big to little.
“You will be able to speak to the breeders if you want any information about the breed you are interested in.”
Ms Taylor said she believed owning a cat was extremely important for a person’s health and wellbeing.
“Pet owners and scientists have acknowledged that owning a pet increases your chance of leading an active, healthy lifestyle,” she said.
“The benefits of pet ownership are considerable.
“Australia’s Petcare Information and Advisory Service reports that people who own pets typically visit the doctor less often and use less medication.
“Every pet owner knows that a cat quickly becomes part of the family.”
The Feline Control Council of Victoria is a Bayswater-based not-for-profit group which promotes the welfare of cats, as well as the general improvement of the standard, breeding and exhibition of cats.
The Christmas All Breeds Cat Show in Berwick will be held from 1.30pm to 3.30pm and entry will cost adults $5 and children $2.50.
For more information about the show contact Sue on 5783 1564.