New base for independence

Yasitha, Chris, Adam, Angelo, Michelle Smith, Emmy and Mel at the Pakenham centre. 124526 Picture: STEWART CHAMBERS


WALLARA is opening the doors to its new Pakenham base to the public next month.
There’ll be open days at the Doherty Street address on 3 and 10 September between 10am and 2pm.
It’s the disability service provider’s first Cardinia location in its 55-year history.
“It’s in a really good place because we’re close to public transport – we can get the bus at the end of the street,” Wallara’s Michelle Smith said.
“We’ve got the rec centre across the road, we’ve got a gym right next door… ”
Wallara will use the house for its high support day service to help participants with communication and independence skills, accessing their community and sensory-based activities.
“They are more often than not non-verbal and maybe have physical disabilities along with intellectual disabilities,” Ms Smith said.
Wallara will also use the space to teach young adults about work options and independent living and travelling skills, and for social and recreational activities.
“It’s about people having social roles in the community and making friendships,” Ms Smith said.
Wallara’s mission is to empower the young adults it supports to live the life they choose.
Phone 9792 2985 for more information or to express interest in the service.