Ward wannabee

I refer to the letter from Amanda Stapledon (No Problem For These Students, News, 26 June).
Amanda Stapledon signed off as the Liberal candidate for Narre Warren North.
My question to Amanda is, why did you not also sign off as Amanda Stapledon, councillor for the City of Casey?
This is what I mean about who comes first in our city, the residents or politician wannabes.
I have just come back after a week in Brisbane and had dinner with a councillor from Morton Bay who has been in council for 38 years.
He told me that each councillor receives $300,000 from the council budget to enhance their ward.
If we did that here there would be no discrimination between wards, making this a great Idea.
I would support councillors going to other states in Australia to learn how other councils run rather than going on junkets which delivers nothing to the City of Casey.
Rex Flannery,
Narre Warren South.