Angel sprinkles sparkling Christmas message

AN ALMOST perfectly formed angel lit up the sky at the Pakenham Hills Primary School fireworks display. Local photographer Abby Boyle said she was surprised when she looked through her photos. "Pakenham Hills Primary School put on a fireworks display after their Christmas concert, so naturally as a photographer I headed over for some shots," she said. "When I got home to go through the 60 odd photos, I found this image and could not have been more amazed. "Right moment, right time and all in the spirit of Christmas. "A firework angel sprinkling Christmas cheer over everyone celebrating together." Picture: ABBY JAMES PHOTOGRAPHY

AN ALMOST perfectly formed angel lit up the sky at the Pakenham Hills Primary School fireworks display.
Local photographer Abby Boyle said she was surprised when she looked through her photos.
“Pakenham Hills Primary School put on a fireworks display after their Christmas concert, so naturally as a photographer I headed over for some shots,” she said.
“When I got home to go through the 60 odd photos, I found this image and could not have been more amazed.
“Right moment, right time and all in the spirit of Christmas.
“A firework angel sprinkling Christmas cheer over everyone celebrating together.”