What’s in Stow for Warriors

The Super Stows – Daniel, left, will reunite with slightly taller younger brother Jamie this year for the Pakenham Warriors Big V side. 110032 Picture: RUSSELL BENNETT


WHEN Pakenham Warriors favourite son Daniel Stow was asked last season what he most wanted to do before he pulled the team jersey on for the last time, playing once again with his younger brother Jamie was high on his list.
The 30-year-old is about to get his chance – with 27-year-old Jamie joining him on the Warriors’ vastly-improved Big V roster for the new season.
The pair will be reunited on a competitive basketball court for the first time in at least six years after Jamie spent time in the Air Force in both Queensland and South Australia.
And after having the past two seasons off representative basketball, and playing in what he describes as “a nothing sort of league”, the natural power-forward can’t wait to come back and make an impact with his hometown Warriors and big brother Daniel.
Despite the obvious physical similarities, the two Stow boys will provide different, yet complimentary, skill-sets.
Jamie is primarily inside player, while Daniel is known for his perimeter shooting.
“I’ll set plenty of screens so he can get open on the outside,” Jamie said.
“I think we complement each other pretty well.”
But Daniel was quick to point out one of the pitfalls of playing alongside his brother once again.
“The worst part is when the refs confuse us… he whacks someone… and I cop the foul!
“It used to happen a fair bit.”
But both Stow boys are jumping out of their skin to start the new season, alongside an influx of new talent – including excitement machine Chris Jones.
“It’s awesome to see the junior guys come through, specifically, Craig (Drew), Sean (Armstrong), Matt (D’Arcy) and Lee (Belton),” Daniel said.
“They’ve all been in the program for a little while so it’s great to see them get their chance and Chris is sort of the cream on top.
“Next season is going to be a lot of fun.”
But Daniel is also working on ways to conserve his energy – as one of the team’s elder statesmen.
“I’m just trying to get through the year,” he laughed.
“Hopefully with guys like Chris coming through, and a few of the young guys, I can work on my towel-waving and just cheer people on.”
And Jamie, the slightly taller baby brother, couldn’t resist a subtle dig, just to keep the 193-centimetre-tall Daniel honest – “He wants to be the Patty Mills of the Warriors,” he said.
When it comes to Jamie’s potential impact on a young side with championship dreams, he just wants to contribute in any way he can.
“(Coach) Ryan has spoken to me about the team wanting to improve their rebounding from last season so that’s probably one aim I have – to box out and get those rebounds,” he said.
“This is easily the biggest team I’ve ever been on – I think there’s huge opportunity to dominate inside and get everyone involved.”
Daniel is salivating at the prospect too, and with good reason.
“With guys like Jamie and Chris on the inside, hopefully that can draw opposing big blokes in and give our shooters on the outside more room to move.”
Jamie said he doesn’t know how well Daniel can run the fast break, “but he can at least run from three point line to three point line!”