A LOCAL disability group is holding a wheely good walk around Lakeside.
The Wheel and Walk for Outlook is a fundraiser for the fit-out of Outlook’s new Community Centre, which is due to open in early 2014.
The community is invited to walk or wheel around the Lakeside lake using walkers, pram, scooters and wheelchairs.
Since 1978, Outlook has been helping disadvantaged people in Casey and Cardinia enjoy a better life with access to work skills, employment opportunities and community programs.
Outlookâs vision is to inspire inclusive communities, diversity and opportunity, valuing all people.
There will be games and activities on the front grass area of the Cardinia Cultural Centre including a photo booth, pick up ducks, needle in a haystack and more.
There will also be marquees showcasing the new Community Centre, including courses offered.
The Wheel and Walk for Outlook will be held between 10am and 2pm on Sunday 17 November from the Amphitheatre at Lakeside, Lakeside Boulevard.
Register online at www.trybooking.com/DOOR or from 9.30am on the day.
All registered participants will be sent a sponsorship form so family and friends can sponsor them per lap and raise funds for Outlook by the number of laps they complete.
To participate, donate $10 for an individual, $20 for a family up to six or $40 for a team of up to four.
For more information contact Ann Selby on 5941 1535.