KOOWEERUP residents can de-clutter their homes and get rid of unwanted household items as part of Cardinia Shire Council’s next eWaste event.
All unwanted battery operated items or those with a power cord, except for whitegoods, can be recycled.
Whitegoods cannot be accepted as eWaste, but should instead be left out at the council’s next hard waste collection.
Councillor Graeme Moore said the next eWaste drop-off event would give residents in Kooweerup and nearby towns such as Lang Lang and Bayles the perfect opportunity to do some spring cleaning and help the environment at the same time.
“These items contain valuable materials including gold and platinum, which can be recovered during the eWaste recycling process,” he said.
“Council is now holding more waste initiatives than ever before, so hopefully we’ll see less illegal dumping across the shire.”
Councillor David Young said eWaste products, particularly computer equipment, often contain hazardous metals such as cadmium, lead and mercury.
“Rather than throwing out items such as old TV’s, computers, toasters and radios, it would be great to see residents depositing them as eWaste at one of Council’s regular eWaste recycling collections across the Shire,” he said.
The eWaste recycling collection will be held at Kooweerup Secondary College in Rossiter Road from 9am to 1pm on 14 September.