Local sport looking good

LOCAL sporting groups and organisations have the chance to get new gear for their teams through the latest sporting uniform grant.
Groups are encouraged to apply for the program, which provides grants of up to $1000.
Priority will be given to clubs that increase participation in communities with existing low levels of participation in sport and physical activity, and reduce financial barriers to participation in communities with existing high levels of socio-economic disadvantage.
Also, in order to get priority, clubs must provide uniforms for competitors and active participants, including umpires, rather than for non-playing officials and uniforms that may be used by multiple members over time.
“This can be used for sporting uniforms and sports gear including jumpers, shirts, skirts, boots, socks and bathers,” Eastern Victoria Region MP Edward O’Donohue said.
“For some clubs, this could mean they can update their gear, and for others, have a uniform for the first time.”
Clubs can apply until Thursday 29 August.
For more information as well as application forms, visit www.dpcd.vic.gov.au/sporting-uniforms.