It’s time for heritage

LOCAL heritage sites could be set for a facelift, with Cardinia Shire Council offering financial support for restorations.
Cardinia Shire mayor Brett Owen said council was taking applications for the 2013-’14 heritage grants program to assist with necessary repair works.
“Council is committed to supporting property owners to repair and conserve places of local heritage significance, so that future generations can enjoy them,” Cr Owen said.
A maximum of $5000 is available to help repair or conserve significant objects such as plaques, memorial boards and historical gates in the community, as well as develop conservation and interpretation management plans.
“Council is providing matching funding, and I really encourage people who may be custodians of our heritage assets to consider taking up this opportunity,” Cr Owen said.
Garfield Bakery is one local building where grants over two years have been used to restore its old rusting roof and oven.
“The building is significant to the town and adds character to the main street,” building owner Fiona said.
“We are an important meeting spot in the township and still function as a central café. Without the grant, the building probably wouldn’t be in operation.”
The building forms part of the Garfield commercial heritage precinct, which is made up of mainly brick and stucco commercial buildings from the town’s boom period around 1920-’30.
Grants are limited and submissions close on Monday 30 September.To apply, visit the council website