Home of hope

Liberal candidate for La Trobe, Jason Wood and Windermere CEO Lynette Buoy inspect construction of the Toomah Community Centre. 103934_02


FINANCIAL stress and family violence are the big issues behind Windermere Child and Family Services setting up a home in Pakenham.
Construction by Cardinia Shire Council of the much-anticipated and long-awaited Toomah Community Centre is well underway, and Windermere staff are to settle into the building early next year.
Windermere CEO Dr Lynette Buoy said rapid growth resulted in a ‘clear’ increase in the demand for services.
“What we know is that in Pakenham there is enormous growth, particularly where the Toomah facility is located,” she said.
“Financial counselling is a big one (need) and we know there is a need for family violence support programs.”
Dr Buoy also highlighted the need for mental health services and support for the diverse population.
“We know there is an increased need for mental health and general counselling,” she said.
“With such a diverse population, we need to provide some community development activities so we can help bring a sense of belonging and ownership of the community.”
The building is a partnership between Cardinia Shire and Windermere, with the council building and owning the centre and the community organisation making a significant financial contribution.
Dr Buoy said Windermere’s long history in the area, its knowledge of the community it works in and commitment to innovation helped pave the way for this exciting collaboration with the council.
“We’re working to establish a co-ordinated and collaborative approach to services we deliver there based on evidence of what is needed,” she said.
“We’ll continue to work together over time. Together we can work to have a different approach in this facility.”
The double story building will be a major asset for Cardinia Shire, with significant meeting room space on the ground floor available for hire by local community groups and possible lease arrangements by other like-minded community organisations.
Dr Buoy said the Toomah Community Centre would not only be for those in need.
“It will provide a place to connect and support the general wellbeing of the community as a whole,” she said.
“The multipurpose facility also provides the backdrop for service expansion – getting more people, more help.”
La Trobe Liberal candidate Jason Wood is a big supporter of the project and said he could see the tremendous opportunities available to the community through the construction of the integrated space.
“I support the construction of Toomah Community Centre, as I believe organisations such as Windermere are doing invaluable work in our community and I want to do everything I can to help,” he said.