On the lookout for blooming volunteers

THE Cancer Council is on the lookout for Cardinia Shire volunteers to support Daffodil Day activities on Friday 23 August.
This year’s bloom of daffodils will be available at 390 street stalls manned by more than 2200 volunteers. Retailers including Coles, Coles Express and IGAs across the state will be also be supporting the cause by selling a variety of merchandise including pens, magnets, key rings and wristbands.
The organisation is calling on the generosity of shire residents to get involved and give up some of their time to help the 302 people in the Cardinia region who are diagnosed with cancer each year.
Cancer Council Victoria spokesperson Kate Delbridge said it’s thanks to Victorians that the Cancer Council is able to continue its work and carry out its programs.
“Residents in Cardinia are wonderful supporters,” she said.
“This year we have three stalls in the area so if you can spare a morning or afternoon to sell fresh daffodils and merchandise, we’d love to hear from you.”
Local involvement is integral as every dollar raised goes towards continuing Cancer Council Victoria’s cancer research, prevention and support services.
“Last year we raised $1.74 million and this year I’d love us to exceed that target.
By giving up your time, you’re helping the people in your area that really need it and growing hope for a cancer free future,” Ms Delbridge said.
For further information or to support Daffodil Day, visit www.daffodilday.com.au or phone 1300 65 65 85.