Council pushes positive ageing

Cr Brett Owen, Cardinia Shire Senior Citizen of the Year Charles Huyskens with Cr Jodie Owen at the launch of the Positive Ageing Strategy. 102927_04

‘LIVE well for life’ is the motto for Cardinia Shire Council’s second positive ageing strategy.
The launch of the strategy at Pakenham Library on Wednesday morning included councillors as well as key service providers and some of the shire’s most active older residents.
The launch was also a chance to celebrate the community service and volunteering achievements of the area’s older residents.
Cardinia shire’s 2013 senior citizen of the year Charles Huyskens spoke at the event to express his support for the strategy.
The 2012-2015 strategy looks at factors which influence an older person’s health and wellbeing including education, employment, housing, gender, income, transport and safety.
It then sets out actions in these areas to help ensure Cardinia shire is an ‘age-friendly’ place for its older population.
Mayor Brett Owen said the council wanted to see the shire’s older people living more active, happy and fulfilling lives.
He said while the council does not deliver direct services to older residents, they continue to build strong relationships with service providers who do. “Through these partnerships and by sharing expertise and resources, we can all help achieve an age-friendly environment and address the diversity of needs in our community,” he said.
Councillor Jodie Owen, a member of the positive ageing steering committee and a strong advocate for the shire’s older residents, said she was pleased with the strategy and what it sets out to achieve.
“The strategy reflects council’s commitment to working with our partners to help older residents maintain their health, stay independent, feel secure and be given opportunities to be connected and valued members of the community,” she said.
“Cardinia shire’s population is projected to be an ageing one, so it’s important we plan for this.
“We need to ensure there are services and facilities to allow people to age in our smaller, more rural townships, as well as in the faster growing areas of our shire.”
The positive ageing strategy can be viewed on the ‘seniors’ web page of the council’s website