This is the time for talent

Councillors Wayne Smith, Louise Berkelmans, Susan Serey and Mayor Amanda Stapledon celebrate the Casey’s Got Talent auditions with Casey’s talented young people. 101081_01

TALENTED Casey residents are encouraged to take centre stage and show the community what they can do.
The 2013 Mayoral Charity Concert Performing Arts Spectacular, Casey’s Got Talent, will take place next month.
City of Casey Mayor Amanda Stapledon is encouraging all individuals and groups to throw their hat in the ring.
“Casey is home to a wide variety of talented and creative people,” Cr Stapledon said.
“The Casey’s Got Talent auditions are an excellent platform for performers, whether they are singers, dancers, comedians, instrumentalists or even magicians, to showcase their talent.
“Individuals or groups can audition in three categories, which are determined by the oldest person in the group – Primary School Age, Secondary School Age and Open.”
Auditions will be held in the Loud Room at The Factory – Rehearsal Centre for the Arts, 65 Berwick-Cranbourne Road, Cranbourne East, for the cost of $15 per act. Audition one will be held 11 July from 2pm until 9pm and audition two will be on 18 July from 8pm until 10pm.
Finalists will compete for great prizes and a chance to perform at the Casey’s Got Talent Final on Saturday 3 August at the River Gum Performing Arts Centre, Hampton Park Secondary College, 58-96 Fordholm Road, Hampton Park.
Cr Amanda Stapledon is encouraging people to come along to support friends, family members or neighbours who may be performing and see some of the fantastic talent that Casey has to offer.
“I would like to acknowledge the efforts of the Mayoral Charity Concert Advisory Committee, councillors Wayne Smith, Susan Serey and Louise Berkelmans,” Cr Stapledon said.
To audition for Casey’s Got Talent, applicants must book in advance by contacting the City of Casey Customer Service on 9705 5200.