PAKENHAM Cub Scout Jennifer James was recently awarded the Grey Wolf Award – the highest available to a Cub Scout.
It is generally achieved by only about 10 per cent of Cub Scouts.
Jennifer received her award from Cub leader “Akela” Adele Mepstead, District Cub leader Dale Vickery, group leader Olive Elstons and asistant Cub leader “Baloo” Sam Bennett.
District Commisioner Darren Spargo and many other leaders were in attendance on the 30 May for the presentation of the special award.
The Pakenham Scout Group has two Cub Scout sections. On Monday night, Cubs meet from 6.30pm to 8pm and Thursday night Cubs meet from 7pm to 8.30pm at the Pakenham Scout Hall, 34 James Street, Pakenham. Cub Scouts are aged between eight and 11 years of age.