Top art occupies Space

City of Casey Mayor Cr Amanda Stapledon and Cr Wayne Smith pictured with Civic Centre artists from left to right: Sohail Yamin, Jenny Conn, Cristina Rus, Ilona Jetmar, Hugo R Campos Godoy, Anna Posmyk, Janet Matthews and Joan Lopes. 98507_01 pic supplies

THE Casey Civic Centre Art Space is currently displaying the work of two talented and local artists.
With the 2013 City of Casey Art Exhibition program well underway, the work of two gifted artists is being showcased.
City of Casey Mayor Amanda Stapledon assured that the work of Jennie Meagher and Jenny Conn will impress everyone who visits the exhibition.
“Jennie presents ‘Colour Your World Beyond Blue in the Circle of Life’ – a collection of heartfelt and uplifting paintings that reflect upon her experiences of illness and depression,” Cr Stapledon said.
A percentage of the sales from Jennie’s collection will be donated to beyondblue – a national organisation aiming to improve the health and wellbeing of Australians.
Jenny Conn’s artwork collection, called Hidden Garden, will display adornments such as jewellery.
Cr Stapledon said her collection revealed some of Jenny’s own personality.
“Her beautiful ceramic pieces reveal her delicate sensibility and fascination with nature,” she said.
“The garden and its inhabitants are the inspiration for Jenny’s one-of-a kind display.”
Cr Stapledon mentioned the number of different businesses the potter has produced artwork for.
“Jenny is an experienced potter who has managed her own business for more than 10 years and produced commissioned pieces for Potters Cottage Restaurant, Tobin Brothers and St Johns Church in Upper Beaconsfield,” she said.
This is the second exhibition since the 2013 program launched in late February, featuring six displays over a 12-month period, incorporating a number of local artists.
Also in the program is the Casey Contemporary Artists’ Showcase during October and November.
Cr Stapledon said the exhibition was a great opportunity to see the talent which exists within the community.
‘This showcase is an exciting opportunity to display the breadth and depth of outstanding contemporary artists in the community,” she added.
Local contemporary artists are invited to apply to be part of the Casey Contemporary Artists’ Showcase. Applications open 1 July and close 1 August 2013.
Applications to exhibit in the Civic Centre Art Space in 2014 will open in September 2013.
Artists working in a range of mediums including painting, printmaking, photography, drawing, sculpture and craft-based practices are welcome to apply.
The art space is located at the City of Casey Civic Centre, Magid Drive, Narre Warren.
For more information contact council’s customer service on 9705 5200.