Pink Bun Delight for Mum

Melissa, Garth Schaefer and Jess, from Marriott Waters Bakers Delight, are supporting the Pink Bun campaign. Picture: STEWART CHAMBERS

BAKERS Delight stores across Casey are helping to raise dough Breast Cancer Network Australia (BCNA) throughout May.
From 2 May to 22 May, Casey’s Bakers Delight stores will be turning pink and donating 100 per cent of the sale of their pink finger buns to BCNA.
Bakers Delight bakeries across the country are aiming to raise a record breaking $1.2 million through its Pink Bun campaign to help fund BCNA’s work to ensure that women diagnosed with breast cancer, and their families, receive the very best treatment, care and support possible.
The money raised by Bakers Delight customers will support BCNA’s free information resources, such as the My Journey Kit, a resource for women newly diagnosed with breast cancer.
BCNA chief executive Maxine Morand, a breast cancer survivor herself, said the support provided through the Bakers Delight Pink Bun campaign was just as important as ever.
“The Pink Bun campaign raised more than $1 million for BCNA in 2012, and last year 81 per cent of women newly diagnosed with breast cancer in Australia received a My Journey Kit,” she said.
“That’s a figure we’re incredibly proud of at BCNA, but one that wouldn’t be possible without the help of Bakers Delight and their customers.
“Why not make a difference this Mother’s Day by buying your Mum or kids a meaningful treat? 100 per cent from the sale of your Pink Bun will come directly to BCNA to support Australians affected by breast cancer.”
Customers are also encouraged to leave a personal message on a Pink Lady silhouette for a gold coin donation.
The message may be in support or memory of a loved one with breast cancer in their family or community.
The silhouettes will be displayed around each local bakery during the campaign.