Mural magic brightens fence

Andy Neels can't wipe the smile from his face that he was involved in the mural. 97885

A ‘DRAB’ fence has been given a ‘spectacular’ makeover by 12 Pakenham Secondary College students.
The VCAL students from Pakenham Secondary College partnered with a local artist to design and paint a mural for the Hippity Hop Childcare centre.
Michelle Smith, owner of Hippity Hop Childcare, said the centre commissioned the project with the aim of engaging young people and making a contribution to the local community.
“We really wanted to give young people in the area an exciting project to take on, something that would give them a sense of achievement and pride,” she said.
“The mural is fantastic and has completely exceeded our expectations. It’s turned a drab fence into something quite spectacular, thanks to the students for their brilliant work.”
Jordana Hurrell, a VCAL personal development skills and art teacher at Pakenham Secondary College said it was perfect timing for the students and helped them develop valuable skills.
“Producing this mural has been so satisfying and beneficial for the students,” Ms Hurrell said.
“It’s helped them develop valuable networking, teamwork, time management, goal setting and problem solving skills. It’s really helped the students build their confidence and self-esteem. Some students in particular have really flourished during this project and will take many positive things away from it.”
Central Ward Councillor Jodie Owen launched the mural last week, alongside students involved in the project, senior staff from Pakenham Secondary College, representatives from the council and the child care centre and Tara Kingston, the local artist appointed by the council to mentor the students and help drive the project.
The colourful mural, 24 metres long and 2.5 metres high, is now displayed on Hippity Hop Childcare’s front fence.