Love is in full bloom

A GROUP of Lakeside Lutheran College students sold more than 200 red roses on Valentine’s Day to raise money for the Blossom Foundation.
Sixteen-year-old student Sheena Mabilangan organised the fund-raiser to raise money for her friend who is living with cancer. She said the fund-raiser went better than expected.
“It went very well, I didn’t expect to see an order of 203 roses, which is quite amazing since we’re such a small school,” she said.
Sheena started the Blossom Foundation a couple of weeks ago to raise money for her friend Michaela Shoebotham.
In 2010 Michaela, who lives in South Africa with her young family, was diagnosed with stage three Hodgkins Lymphoma.
“My sister Kathrina went to primary school with Michaela in Bangkok. My sister works full-time so she doesn’t have time to raise money like I do,” she said.
The Year 11 vice-captain said her friends at the college have been a big help in getting the foundation set up and promoting Michaela’s cause.
Sheena and her friends raised more than $300 on the day. She’s hoping to raise enough to make sure Michaela wins the fight against lymphoma.
“Michaela is only 26 and the biopsies and overnight hospital stays cost a lot,” Sheena said.