I HAVE received many complaints about the Brumby Labor Government’s so called ‘smart meters’ as a result of which electricity bills could rise by more than $200 each and every year.
Electricity distribution companies were supposed to finish installing the meters by the end of 2012.
But the Auditor-General said the completion date has already been delayed by a year and the estimated costs of this electricity project – to be paid for by consumers – has blown out from $800 million to $2.25 billion.
Given that Victorians would be forced to pay for a $1.5 billion cost blow-out in the Brumby Government’s ‘smart meters’ fiasco, it was not surprising that the Auditor-General warned that the economic merit of the smart meters was uncertain; the delays in installation meant consumers would pay more for less; and that it was possible the benefit for industry would unfairly outweigh any consumer benefit.
The Auditor-General also warns there is nothing smart about Labor’s ‘smart meters’. And with so much money wasted, who could not agree?
Inga Peulich,
South Eastern Metropolitan Region MP.