Nights in help out

NINETY-six people have registered with the City of Casey to host a “Girls Night In” to support the 4000 Victorian women fighting breast or gynaecological cancer this year.
And Cancer Council Victoria is hoping more Casey women will join in to help reach its $1.2 million target.
Girls Night In has become a popular reason for Casey women to invite their friends around for a fun night – and donate what they would have spent on a night out towards the Cancer Council’s work into women’s cancers.
Council spokeswoman Barbara Fernandez said 132 Girls Night In events were held in Casey last year, with about 1320 women joining in the fight against women’s cancers.
“Last year $1 million was raised in Victoria to fund new innovations in women’s cancer research, prevention and support services with more than $35,000 of that being raised in the Casey region,” Ms Fernandez said.
“We received 940 calls to our Cancer Council Helpline (131120) from Casey women in 2009.
“The Cancer Council Helpline is funded by events like Girls Night In, so it’s clear to see when you join in Girls Night In, you are really making a difference to local women facing cancer.”
To register for Girls Night In, or for details, visit or call 1300656585.