Legge in robes

IT WAS a family affair on Monday night as Ranges Ward councillor Graeme Legge was elected mayor of Cardinia Shire Council.
Cr Legge was voted into the top job from all of his peers in the chamber and said he was looking forward to the challenge of following in the footsteps of former mayor Bill Pearson.
Cardinia’s longest-serving councillor said he would maintain the standards set under Cr Pearson’s leadership and would take on each challenge head-on.
“I’ll freely and willingly give advice and leadership through major matters that lie ahead of council in the next 12 months, issues such as the upcoming fire season and the final outcome of the Bushfire Royal Commission; the Pakenham Racing Club relocation; the Woolworth’s development in Pakenham; the new Pakenham Library and Hall, employment in Cardinia Shire, council’s debt and the need to keep rates at a reasonable level,” he said.
Cr Legge said he appreciated the continuing support of Ranges Ward residents and also acknowledged wife Dianne and his family for their support.
He said he was looking forward to the challenges of the next 12 months. “I commenced my council life in 1997 and can justly claim to being a ‘foundation’ councillor. I enjoy the role and enter heartily into it,” he said.
Cr Legge said he intended to wear the mayoral robes and chain of office at civic functions and on other appropriate occasions.