Liberals on campaign trail- Gembrook candidate Brad Battin and State Opposition leader Ted Bai

By Jade Lawton
STATE Opposition leader Ted Baillieu was in Pakenham this week to promote his man for Gembrook, Brad Battin.
Mr Battin was endorsed by the Liberals last month to take on sitting Gembrook MP Tammy Lobato.
The Gembrook electorate covers parts of Pakenham, Berwick, Emerald, Cockatoo and the Upper Yarra Valley. After a breakfast with business leaders, Mr Baillieu, Mr Battin and Eastern Victoria MP Edward O’Donohue chatted to constituents outside Coles Lakeside about the key issues facing the region.
Mr Bailleu listed public transport, the ‘unpopular and flawed’ GAIC tax and the Kooweerup Bypass as priorities.
“After 10 years in office (Labor) and more than $3 billion, we’ve got a public transport system that’s collapsing.”
The Liberals will employ 940 Victoria Police Protective Service Officers to man stations across the network from 6pm to the last train.
Mr Bailleu said any action on the Kooweerup Bypass would be detailed in his transport policy, to be released in a few months.