Party in the pools


Right: Brody Sungalis and Akira Conyers chill out earlier this year.
SUMMER is coming and public swimming pools in Cardinia Shire are scheduled to open from Saturday 14 November.
A range of aquatic programs and activities are available for residents of all ages at the three outdoor pools and a water play area is provided at Emerald Park Lake.
For more details on opening times and activities, contact the pools directly:
Pools (excluding Kooweerup) will open when the forecast temperature is 22 degrees Celsius and above. With gas heating, the Kooweerup Outdoor Pool can open in cooler weather. Pools may stay open into the evening when weather permits, however pools will close if heavy rain and lightning conditions are forecast.
All pools will be closed on Christmas Day.
For more information contact Cardinia Shire Council on 1300 787 624 or alternatively visit