By Jade Lawton
MORE than 4000 people flocked to the Gazette Pakenham Oaks Day last Thursday.
Pakenham Racing Club Manager Michael Hodge said the day continued to be popular with locals, with more than half of the crowd pre-booking their race day package.
“In its fifth year Oaks Day just continues to grow and surpass our expectations. It is a great day in the middle of the spring carnival,” he said.
Locals dominated the Fashions on the Field competition, with Pakenham woman Lucy Beverage winning Best Dressed Local Lady, and Berwick couple Russel McCormack and Ashleigh-Jane Viles taking out best dressed couple.
Most Elegant Lady was Berwick mother-of-one Channelle Pearson, in a Wayne Cooper dress. Mrs Pearson was also selected to enter Country Racing Victoria’s Best Dressed Racegoer competition.
Senior Sergeant Alan McCarthy, of Pakenham Police, praised the behaviour of most of the crowd. However, some people were ejected for alcohol related behavioural issues and three underage youths will undertake an alcohol counselling program with their parents after they were caught drinking.
A 23-year-old Tynong man was arrested and charged with numerous offences after he assaulted a female patron.
See this week’s Pakenham-Berwick Gazette for comprehensive coverage and more photos from the Gazette Pakenham Oaks Day.