By Melissa Meehan
president Jo Staindl and vice-president Michael Porter. 38371
PAKENHAM’S Business Group (PBG) is looking forward to another exciting year.
Following a successful year in 2008/09 the group has set their sights on 2009/10.
The group voted in their new board on Tuesday night, with well-known community member Jo Staindl-Johnson chosen as president.
She said the group would face many challenges this year including trying to build numbers in the group, with a focus on attracting business owners and staff from outside the main street.
“It is really important that all of Pakenham is part of the Pakenham Business Group,” she said.
“We have a lot of challenges we can face together.”
She said that it was vital for businesses in Pakenham to have a voice, and said the PBG would stand up for what needed to be done in town.
“In the past we have spoken out about car parking issues, Christmas promotions, new signs and graffiti,” she said
“Businesses who are not a part of the group will ask ‘what’s in it for me?” – but they need to look at it as a collective, especially with the new development coming into town,” Ms Staindl- Johnson said.
Woolworths representatives also attended the meeting to discuss future plans of their new development with business owners. Read more in next week’s Pakenham Gazette.