SUCCESS in promoting healthy eating and active lifestyles was recently celebrated at the Cardinia Cultural Centre.
The Being Active Eating Well local reference group commemorated one year of partnership with the community at its monthly meeting.
Over the past year, the group was involved in spreading the Being Active Eating Well message at events throughout the shire including National Youth Day, All Abilities Day, the annual Diabetes Forum and Cardinia Celebrates Children.
Marie Witts, the council’s Go For Your Life officer, said the commitment shown by community volunteers and local service providers had been outstanding.
“Apart from the public events, the group has also developed an action plan, communications strategy and risk management strategy,” Ms Witts said.
The reference group is made up of community members and local service providers including South East Healthy Community Partnership, Cardinia Piranhas Swim Club, Pakenham Seniors, Casey Cardinia Life Activities Club, YMCA, Vision Australia and Cardinia Casey Community Health Services.
“Overall our seven objective action plan is designed to encourage healthy and active lifestyles for children and families living in Cardinia,” Miss Witts said.
The Being Active Eating Well project involves four schools- Pakenham Springs, Pakenham Hills, Pakenham Consolidated and St Patrick’s Primary schools, focusing on active and nutritional choices for children aged 5-12 years along with their families.
Grandparents and older adults are a secondary focus of the groups’ work.
The local reference group meets the fourth Tuesday of every month.
For more information contact Marie Witts on 1300 787 624, visit www.cardinia.vic.gov.au or www.goforyourlife.vic.gov.au.