A NEW family service centre at Pakenham has won a $400,000 boost.
Cardinia Shire Council is building the multi-purpose centre to provide badly-needed services at the fast-growing Lakeside estate.
Gembrook MP Tammy Lobato announced the grant yesterday during an inspection of the facility with senior council officials.
The $2.1 million centre is expected to open early 2007.
Ms Lobato said the funding followed a $500,000 grant last November.
“This new centre will provide our growing Pakenham community with a one-stop shop for families with young children,” Ms Lobato said.
“Included in this facility will be a kindergarten, maternal and child health services, two community spaces, a large storeroom and a kitchen.”
Ms Lobato said the facility had been designed with the community’s needs in mind and would be available for use by a wide range of groups and organisations.
“Residents will be able to get involved in a wide range of services and activities, helping to strengthen this rapidly growing community.”
A committee will be established to manage the facility.
Cardinia acting chief executive officer Garry McQuillan welcomed the funding. Council manager of health and community wellbeing Fiona Hodge and councillor Kate Lempriere joined Ms Lobato at the site.