Limo for birthday boy

A LIMOUSINE ride is an unusual gift but it proved to be the perfect birthday present for Danny Vogels.
The Pakenham resident has long dreamed of jumping in the back of one of the vehicles and finally got the chance recently as part of a 40th birthday surprise organised by his family.
Instead of catching the bus home from work, Mr Vogels was treated to a ride in a Henry Bogart style limousine from Outlook Recycling in Hampton Park to Pakenham Outlook where he was greeted by friends and family.
Auntie Teresa Lanigan, who secretly organised the ride, said Mr Vogels had wanted to travel in a limousine since seeing a girl jump in one several years ago.
“We were having a coffee break and a girl from Warrnambool was going to the Casino in one for her 18th birthday,” she said.
“She let him sit in the limo and he’s been talking about it ever since.”
Sr Lanigan said her nephew’s birthday present proved to be a winner.
“He absolutely loved it,” she said.