Funds for college and new school

SCHOOLS in Pakenham will receive funding support from the Federal Government.
McMillan MP Russell Broadbent said last week that $6.6 million would be spent to upgrade Pakenham Secondary College (PSC) and help build a new primary school in the Heritage Springs estate.
Both projects are jointly funded by the State and Federal Governments.
Mr Broadbent said $4.1 million in federal funds would be spent on the new primary school in Livingstone Boulevard while $2.5 million will be spent on a redevelopment project at PSC.
“We have already contributed $1.6 million towards this project,” he said.
“The work at the PSC involves the redevelopment of general purpose classroom, arts and science and technology studies facilities.
“The grant will also help fund improvements in the staff administration area and student amenities at the college.
“The new facilities will help state schools in the rapidly growing Pakenham area provide the best possible learning environment for students.”