Handy tips steal show

ASPARAGUS was the word — and taste — on everybody’s lips in Pakenham on Saturday.
The Celebrate Asparagus Festival was a feature of the October Farmers Market at the Pakenham racecourse.
More than 70 per cent of Australia’s asparagus is grown around Koo Wee Rup and market visitors leapt at the chance to enjoy the fruits of their labours. Free tastings were a highlight of the event with patrons undeterred by the poor weather.
Children were entertained by Gus the Giant Asparagus, who had plenty of giveaways and colouring competitions with prizes.
The festival also hosted the inaugural Asparagus Bunching Competition where teams had to bunch a crate of asparagus as efficiently as possible under the watchful eyes of the asparagus farmers.
Market coordinator Sophie O’Neil was pleased with the success of the market which she said was a wonderful opportunity to meet local producers and also a chance to snap up the freshest asparagus most people had ever tasted.