Schools on the road to health

PAKENHAM children will put their walking shoes on next Tuesday and join in Walk to School Day.
Students from Pakenham Hills Primary School and St Patricks Primary School will join in the event.
Students across the shire will join the existing school Walking School Buses and several more will form new buses on Walk to School Day on the day.
Walk School Bus officer Kellie McDougall said Walk to School Day is for everyone whether there is a Walking School Bus already established at the school or not.
Funded by VicHealth and administered by Cardinia Shire Council, the program involves volunteer parents leading children on the walk to school along a prescribed route to and from school.
Ms McDougall said along the way the students stop at numerous stops to pick up more walkers.
Walk to School Day and the Walking School Bus program are designed to enable children to get fit and mix with others in a safe environment, while at the same time reducing pollution and traffic congestion at schools.
Cardinia mayor Kate Lempriere and councillors will join the schoolchildren in the walk to school.
Schools with Walking School Buses currently running include Emerald, Garfield and Beaconsfield Primary Schools and Pakenham Hills, St Patricks School, Pakenham, St James School, Nar Nar Goon, will join in on Walk to School Day.
Cr Lempriere will get on the Walking School Bus going to St Patricks Primary School from the highway side of the railway lines on McGregor Road to St Patricks Primary School.
Those walking or assisting are encouraged to meet at 8am and start the walk about 8.10am.
Cr Bill Pearson will join his local Walking School Bus at the corner of Archer Road and Campbell Street and walks to the Garfield Primary School while Cr Graeme Legge will walk along Heroes Avenue to the Emerald Primary School, both buses starting at 8.30am.
St James Primary School at Nar Nar Goon is having a school walk from 9.15am to 10am, while Beaconsfield Walking School Bus leaves Scott Lee Drive at about 8.30am.
Pakenham Hills Primary School is encouraging all children to walk to school rather than being dropped off at school by car.
For information on how to catch the Walking School Bus, timetables and stop locations as well as volunteering to get the buses on the road contact Cardinia Shire Council’s Community Services Walking School Bus officer Kellie McDougall on 5945 4314.