LiFE span to double

By Paul Dunlop
PAKENHAM will boast the biggest indoor sports stadium outside Melbourne under an ambitious plan to almost double the size of the Cardinia LiFE recreation centre.
Cardinia Shire Council has signed off on a $3.35 million four-court extension that will dramatically increase playing space for basketball and other sports at the stadium.
Calls in the community for expanded facilities have reached fever pitch with midweek competitions being played as late as 10 o’clock at night to satisfy demand.
Hundreds of people use the stadium each week.
Under the plan, up to eight matches will be able to be played simultaneously instead of the current capacity of four.
Works will also include a new showcase central court where matches of regional significance can be played as well as updated changerooms and an activity room.
See-through walls will separate the new facilities from the existing stadium.
Civic leaders said the overhaul, one of the biggest projects on its books over the next year, would give the centre at the Toomuc Reserve a new lease of life.
Central Ward councillor Brett Owen said the works, to begin as early as next month, spelt great news for residents.
“It’s a terrific result, this will be great for Pakenham,” Cr Owen said when council met to consider tenders for the upgrade on Monday.
“The current facilities are used to their maximum at the moment, this will ease the pressure.”
Council appointed Devco Project and Construction Management Pty Ltd to do the renovations which will also provide increased storage space and better air flow in the stadium.
Work is expected to be completed in February, 2008.
Cardinia manager of governance and communications Doug Evans said the end result would be the biggest indoor sports complex, at least in terms of playing space, outside the metropolitan area.
Mayor Kate Lempriere said it meant more people could enjoy playing sport.
“It is a state-of-the-art complex, the additions being built will enable more people in our growing community to pursue and participate in healthy activity and competition in a safe, family-friendly environment,” she said.
“With the completion of the indoor pools and health facility in 2006 it is now time to begin stage two and provide the required necessary space for participants and spectators, with the expansion of the stadium facilities.”