Eight steps to a better business

ONE of Australia’s most innovative sales and marketing specialists will headline this year’s first Cardinia Shire Council Business Breakfast.
Paul McCarthy, the author of Eight Steps to a Remarkable Business, will speak at the breakfast which will be held at the Cardinia Cultural Centre next Thursday.
Cardinia Shire Council Business Development Officer Francis Grigoriou encouraged traders to get down to the breakfast where Mr McCarthy will speak on mega marketing: how to create an endless stream of customers.
“He is one of Australia’s leading experts in maximising human potential and the founder of The Business Support Network, a highly successful business consultancy,” Ms Grigoriou said.
“Guests at the breakfast will learn how to develop a unique point of difference, win top of mind awareness, attract customers like flies, increase profits and generate positive word of mouth referrals.”
Local business operators are encouraged to attend the breakfast and all interested residents are also welcome. The cost of the breakfast is $35 per person. For bookings, phone Cardinia Development on 5945 0400.