You beaut, it’s Yakkerboo

THE 31st Yakkerboo Festival is set to reach an exciting peak in Pakenham this weekend.
The historic parade and festival in the streets is a tradition and boasts a heap of free activities, games, pony rides, a craft market, patchwork display, street parade and spectacular fireworks on Saturday night.
Yakkerboo Festival president Graham Treloar said the festival’s aim was to promote unity and the involvement of all residents of the Cardinia Shire.
“My committee and I feel that the festival does much to support development of an awareness of Cardinia Shire as an ideal place to live, work and play — let’s get together and have some fun,” Mr Treloar said.
School students and other community groups have been working for months on their floats for the street parade.
Festival highlights include:
FRIDAY night with KixRock at the Pakenham Hall from 7pm.
SATURDAY, starting about 5pm at the PB Ronald Reserve there are carnival activities followed by a fantastic fireworks display.
SUNDAY will see a craft market starting in the Main Street about 10.30am.
Cavalcade of vehicles starts after 10am.
The Yakkerboo Street Parade starts about 10.30am.
There will be a ute show at the PB Ronald Reserve.
Activities at Bourke Park continue through the day with Mr Yakkerboo’s 31st birthday party.