Pool making waves again

By Melissa Grant
RESIDENTS are making waves at the Pakenham Outdoor Pool with large numbers flocking to the refurbished facility.
Families and school children are among those who have made a splash since the pool re-opened on Saturday, 17 November.
Pakenham Outdoor Pool Centre coordinator Ian Jenkins said attendance figures had been encouraging since the pool re-opened its doors to the public.
“Attendance-wise, we average about 150 a day when it hits the 25 degree mark,” he said.
“But that also takes into account some of the cooler days we’ve had.
“When it pushes towards 30 degrees it’s a very busy day.”
Mr Jenkins said the pool seemed to be popular with young families as well as young people.
He said he had also been contacted by schools wanting to use the Anderson Street facility for swimming programs and carnivals.
St Patrick’s Primary was the first school to make a splash at the pool, holding a swimming carnival there last Friday.
Principal Mick O’Brien said the school was honoured to be the first.
“We christened the pool in terms of swimming carnivals,” he said.
“The kids loved it.”
Mr O’Brien said it was great there was somewhere nearby the school could use for its swimming carnival as it saved them time and money busing students to the Kooweerup Pool where such events had been held the last six times.
“Instead of getting on the bus we walked to the pool in the good weather,” he said.
The Cardinia Shire closed the pool in 2001 and it was decommissioned a year later, sparking much community outrage and debate.
But Central Ward councillor Bill Ronald’s re-election at the last council poll and financial support from the State Government ensured the pool’s future.
Council funded the $1 million refurbishment project with a $333,000 contribution from the State Government.
Cr Ronald said it was fantastic that people were once again enjoying the town’s outdoor pool.
“It’s a great result after years of hell around the council table,” he said.
The pool is open from 3pm to 6pm during the week and from 1pm to 6pm on weekends but that will soon change.
Mr Jenkins said there were plans to extend the opening hours from 1pm to 7pm on weekdays and 11am to 7pm on Saturday and Sunday from 19 December to meet the high demand of the summer months.
The pool will remain open until 15 March.