Marathon ride improves outlook for disabled

By Melissa Grant
LOCAL cyclists have raised $16,000 for Pakenham disability service Outlook, pedalling a gruelling 520 kilometres in the annual Murray to Moyne bike relay on March 24-25.
The team of 13 cyclists rode from Echuca to Port Fairy to raise funds to help Outlook upgrade its ageing bus fleet.
Bike enthusiast and Pakenham Photo Barn owner Darren Spargo boarded a bus to Echuca with 12 other cyclists and a five-member support team on Friday night, just hours after completing a 600km Rotary bike ride at Phillip Island.
Mr Spargo said the team faced tough conditions on the first leg of their journey which involved groups of four taking turns riding 20 kilometres for the 260 kilometre stretch from Echuca to Hamilton.
“We faced quite challenging conditions, going directly into a strong head wind,” he said.
The team arrived in Hamilton at 3am on Saturday for a quick nap, with 11 of the 13 cyclists jumping back on the saddle at 7am to continue the journey to Port Fairy.
Norstar Steel Recyclers and many other local businesses supported the event, enabling the team to raise enough money to purchase a second-hand bus for Outlook, a disability service which relies heavily on transport.
Outlook administration manager Jenny Stone said the service was very pleased with the support.
Ms Stone said reduced funding from the Department of Human Services had greatly affected the service, which transports its clients to and from the facility.
“We transport clients from Cranbourne, Garfield and as far as the hills,” she said.
“One of the buses here has clocked up more than 500,000 kilometres.”
The cyclists and support crew are keen to do the ride again next year and are looking to expand their team.
Those who would like to become involved can contact Darren Spargo at Pakenham Photo Barn on 5941 1562.
Donations can still be made to Outlook by contacting Jenny Stone on 5941 1535.