Can-do kids come to the party

PAKENHAM Consolidated School students have a can-do attitude.
The school’s Student Leadership Council recently collected 1900 food cans from their fellow pupils to donate to local charity 4Cs.
4Cs administration manager Sue Friend said the school’s donation of tinned soups, salmon, tuna, baked beans, fruit, vegetables and spaghetti sauce would greatly assist the charity, especially in the lead up to Christmas.
Ms Friend said the students’ efforts were impressive.
“There are about 800 students there so that’s two each – that’s awe-some,”she said.
“They’ve got such good hearts.”
The students eclipsed their previous can record by more than 1000 cans.
The pupils from Prep BK were treated to a pizza lunch after donating 148 cans – the most of any class in the school.