Police probe pump blaze

PAKENHAM Criminal Investigation Unit is investigating the use of a water pump in relation to the grass fire that spread through the backyards of three homes in Pinehill Drive, Pakenham on last Tuesday 16 January.
Police said it appeared the fire started in a water pump which was being used to pump water from the golf course dam to a neighbouring property’s dam.
Detective Sergeant Phil Jury said the water was being transferred with permission of the Pakenham Golf Club, but police were investigating whether the pump was properly equipped to be in operation on a total fire ban day when use of certain types of equipment was banned.
As reported in the News last week, the fire threatened a home and burnt out the yard of one property in the street and moved quickly into two other backyards and the easement of the Pakenham Golf Course.
Pakenham Country Fire Authority Captain Vince Ingram said crews were called to the fire at 5.30pm.
“Good wind conditions assisted with the control of the fire,” Capt Ingram said.
The fire was controlled just after 6pm and officers completed mopping up by 8.30pm.