Christmas spirit decks the hall

CHRISTMAS morning in Pakenham has many forms, from getting up early with the kids to unwrap presents, to going to church to sing carols and hear the Christmas story, or driving to the relatives’ place for lunch.
For a bunch of volunteers from Big House Communities plus a few ring-ins, Christmas morning will look quite different as they prepare a massive feast at the Pakenham Hall.
The inaugural Aussie Christmas Celebration will kick off at 1pm Christmas Day.
On the menu are all the traditional trappings including hams, roast chicken and turkey, roast vegies, puddings and cakes – and what’s an Aussie celebration without a pavlova or two?
After lunch there will be the opportunity to sit and chat with others, listen to a yarn or two and even play a game of back yard cricket.
For the kids there will be sack races, and the old egg and spoon. Santa is even expected to make a visit on his way back to the North Pole.
“Christmas is meant to be a time of celebration, where we remember the special gift that came in the form of a baby,” said Big House Communities director Andre Van Eymeren.
“But for many the real meaning and joy of Christmas is lost.
“Big House would like to offer people a chance to celebrate with others at Christmas, and give the opportunity for all of us to recapture some of that meaning and joy.”
The invitation is open to anyone who would like to join in the free celebrations.
The invitation is also there for those who might like to volunteer to help out on the day. The event is alcohol-free.
For more information, or to register for a free ticket, call Andre or Amy on 5941 8147.