The staff and students at St James are passionate about supporting others. When supporting charities, we are always on the lookout for charities that are aligned with our school values and that are close to home so students can see the difference that they can make. We want our students to be globally aware citizens.
The recent visit from Tim Stewart was no exception. Tim and his team are participating in The Variety Club Big Bash. The Big Bash begins at Phillip Island and ends ten days later on the Gold Coast.
Tim was presented with a show of financial support from students and staff who were asked to bring in a gold coin. When the coins were laid out, they ran the length of the car. The students also agreed to donate the proceeds of their regular Fun Food Friday fundraising to Variety. These additional coins will go around the entire car!
Students were able to get a close up of the 30-year-old Ford by sitting behind the steering wheel and beeping the horn. They had an opportunity to ask Tim questions about the Bash and find out why he was supporting the Variety Club.
Kip and Scarlett were lucky to fly the school colours by placing the St James sticker on the car, along with all the other sponsors.
What a great opportunity for our students. We hope they have taken inspiration from Tim and his team who are giving so much of themselves to assist kids who are sick, disadvantaged or have additional needs to live, laugh, and learn.