Help our seniors

Evergreen Retirement Village is calling for donations of wool or lace to support residents who are knitting comfort teddies for […]

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Feeding the community

Too many people are struggling to put food on the table while perfectly good food goes to waste. Aroha Langley […]

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CFA as fast as lightning

The turbulent weather sparked its fair share of fires over the long weekend which was met by a swift response […]

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300 join Thai Pongal Festival

Over 300 attended the Tamil Thai Pongal festival, a significant cultural event that brought together the community in joy and […]

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Yabbies pinch second in finals race

Pakenham Upper Toomuc has applied significant ladder pressure in round 11 of the Casey Cardinia Cricket Association District competition. The […]

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Sun’s out guns out for Lions

PAKENHAM BOWLS After a night game a week earlier Pakenham One (Div 1) found itself out in the bright sunshine […]

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