Tell us a fun fact about yourself!
I drove a Thomas the Tank Engine train in shopping centres as a part-time job whilst at uni… before I even had a licence to drive a car! I would catch the train, to drive the train!
What are you most passionate about?
I am passionate about creating connections for people and communities. When people feel connected and belong, that are able to achieve their best. This applies to adults and children!
What do you love about teaching?
I love watching children become curious and see them making the connections in their learning. Seeing growth in the student’s learning throughout the year is so rewarding. There is also abundant joy in schools. Every day is different!
What do you love about Labertouche?
I love everything about Labertouche! The school community embraces everyone, and we work together to achieve our goals. The teachers at Labertouche are exceptional and I feel so lucky I get to come to work here every day!
Where is your favourite camping spot?
Last year we took our three daughters over to Wilson’s Prom, and it was beautiful. One of my most favourite places though, is Port Arlington, over on the Bellarine Peninsula. I love it there.
What was your most memorable moment?
Whilst there have been many memorable moments in my life, my highlights would be the birth of my three daughters and marrying my husband.
What was your favourite subject in school?
My favourite subject at school was History. The wonderful teachers I had sparked a real passion in me that has seen me travel and study abroad to learn more about world events, particularly World War II and The Holocaust. In 2009 I won a scholarship to study is Israel and my love of history remains!
What are you currently listening to/watching or reading?
Over the holidays I read Trent Dalton’s Love Stories and I am not sure I have ever read a more beautiful book. I am also on a one woman crusade to ensure the whole world watches Ted Lasso! I highly recommend them both. They will restore your faith in humanity!
How would you describe your fashion sense?
’Sensible Kmart Mum Fashion’
If you had to compete on MasterChef, what dish would you cook?
It would be a disaster. Like my fashion, my cooking can be described as ’boring mum dinners’… I am not sure that would cut it on MasterChef!
Where is your dream holiday destination?
When I was 15 my parents took our family to America, we absolutely loved the holiday and it created a life time love of all things Disney… I want to take my girls to Disneyland!
What were you like as a kid?
I think I was very similar to how I am now. I loved school and wanted to be a teacher all my life. I would set up classrooms in my bedroom and make classroom displays on my walls. It is no surprise to anyone that I am doing what I do now!
What is your favourite colour and why?
I am not sure why, but my favourite colour is definitely blue.
Do you consider yourself an extrovert or an introvert?
I am an extrovert. I get my energy from being around people… which is definitely a good thing when you are principal of a school!