Drawing up a brighter future

By Paul Dunlop
PAKENHAM can expect a major jobs boost after the State Government recently redrew the map of Melbourne.
The creation of new industrial areas on the outskirts of town and at nearby Officer could lead to the area becoming the major employment hub for the Casey-Cardinia growth corridor.
Cardinia Shire Council chief executive officer Don Welsh welcomed the State Government’s decision to change the urban growth boundary to allow extra space for employment and industrial growth as well as consolidating residential expansion.
Mr Welsh said the new industrial areas, coupled with the added convenience of the Pakenham Bypass, would be a massive jobs boost potentially worth millions to the local economy.
“The number of jobs available will be well beyond the ratio needed to satisfy Cardinia residents alone,” he said.
“This would make (Pakenham) an employment hub in a regional sense.”
Under the plan, land south of the bypass from Officer to Pakenham would be given over to industry, hopefully taking the pressure off local people to commute into Melbourne to work and bringing workers from other places on a daily basis.
Mr Welsh said with development in the nearby City of Casey based more on residential rather than industry or business, there would be plenty of opportunity — so much so that the council could be looking to employ specialist planning staff to focus on planning for the development.
“Our planning staff are experts in town planning, rural and residential subdivisions but not necessarily the creation of new business parks. (Planning the industrial growth) will be a big challenge for the organisation,” he said.
Mr Welsh said Cardinia had lobbied hard for the changes and expected the onset of industrial expansion in the area would bring associated benefits in terms of improved infrastructure and road networks.