New banners to sell Paky

SEVENTEEN new bold and bright banners are flapping on light poles in Pakenham’s retail heartland.
The recently installed banners with the catch cry, ‘Live, Shop, Enjoy’ replaced the previous ochre-coloured ones designed in 2005.
The banners were installed in response to traders’ requests to add colour and vibrancy to Main Street, at a cost of $4500.
Kerry Holland and Zach Jacobs, from Imprint Marketing and Design, designed the blue and yellow banners, in conjunction with the Pakenham Business Group.
Ms Holland said the ‘Live, Shop, Enjoy’ slogan was highly appropriate for the township.
“We want Pakenham to be a place where residents enjoy where they live for a variety of reasons – a place which offers a lifestyle which has recreation, sport, business and shopping on their doorstep,” Ms Holland said.
“The ‘live here’, ‘shop here’ and ‘enjoy’ Pakenham encourages the concept of shopping local and is also a welcome invitation for visitors to shop and enjoy their Pakenham experience,” she said.
PBG president Michael Porter said he was happy with the final product.
“The design is bright and cheery and the slogan, ‘Live, Shop, Enjoy’, encourages people to do just that,” Mr Porter said.
Cardinia Shire spokesman Paul Dunlop said the banners were due to be replaced.
“Cardinia Shire is committed to creating local employment and business opportunities, and sees the banners as part of its efforts to promote Pakenham as a significant regional retail destination,” Mr Dunlop said.