Hall, library rebuild

By Melissa Grant
PAKENHAM’S hall and library will soon be rebuilt as part of an estimated $7 million project at PB Ronald Reserve.
The Pakenham Hall, built in 1959, will make way for a new building which will house a library, a multi-purpose hall with function and stage area, five meeting room spaces and a large community kitchen.
It will also incorporate a facility to be used in the event of emergency and bushfire relief operations, as well as providing a new home for Pakenham U3A and the Windmill Theatre group.
The project received a big boost on Wednesday when Minister for Infrastructure, Regional Development and Local Government Anthony Albanese announced the Federal Government would tip in $2.5 million to rebuild the hall and library.
Local councils across Australia were asked to nominate priority infrastructure projects for the Regional and Local Community Infrastructure Program – and the replacement of the hall and the library was on the top of the Cardinia Shire Council’s wishlist.
Cardinia Shire mayor Bill Pearson said the community had outgrown both facilities.
“Our Pakenham Hall has served us well since the 1950s but is no longer suitable for current and future needs,” he said.
“This new library will replace our existing building…. which has outgrown its current use. Our library has over one million users each year.”
Mr Albanese said the Regional and Local Community Infrastructure Program gave particular weight to projects that would create jobs.
“This is just a win, win, win,” he said.
The announcement comes a month after the council notified the public of its intention to sell the current Pakenham Library site to pave the way for an $80 million retail hub.
The council is also seeking State Government funding for the PB Ronald makeover project.