Green Army mobilises

THE Gazette Green Army is on the move.
Residents are signing up for the joint campaign with the Cardinia Shire Council in a bid to raise awareness and share their initiatives to help save the environment.
All Green Army members receive a welcome pack which includes a shower timer, pen, notepad and information on how to help the environment.
They also go into the draw for monthly prizes, including a 1000-litre water tank valued at $800.
The first 100 members to join also receive a free Squeaky Green Total Waterless Car Wash kit, valued at $5.95.
The kit washes, waxes and polishes the car exterior, windows and windscreen without water. There will also be monthly and milestone prizes of an environmental hamper.
To enlist, or read more stories on environmentally friendly initiatives, purchase the Pakenham-Berwick Gazette, which is available at local newsagencies for $1.