Rates boost roads

IMPROVING roads, youth services and recreational facilities is the focus of Cardinia Shire Council’s budget for the new financial year.
Rates will increase by an average of 5.8 per cent – the lowest rise in several years.
Civic leaders adopted the budget at a special meeting on Monday 23 June after considering two submissions from the community.
Cardinia Shire mayor Bill Ronald said the budget emphasised the council’s commitment to providing high quality services throughout Cardinia Shire and also sought to ease pressure on residents by keeping rates as low as possible.
“This budget is about meeting the needs of our fast-growing community and continuing to maintain and enhance our infrastructure, projects and services within a framework of careful financial management,” Cr Ronald said.
“We are delivering on council’s commitment to strengthen and support Cardinia Shire’s people, communities, the environment and the economy.
“This budget invests in areas of importance to residents, such as youth services, community facilities and our road and infrastructure network and keeps rates at realistic levels.
“Above all, we want to ensure our residents get the best possible value.”
Cr Ronald said a comprehensive $18 million capital works program was a highlight of the budget.
The new financial year will see the first stages of development of a regional facility in Webster Way, Pakenham.
Also included in the capital works program is extensive asset renewal focused on upgrading roads, bridges, footpaths, drainage and other infrastructure around Cardinia Shire.
It is an environmentally friendly budget with a $1.86 million priority works program to include initiatives such as $300,000 to replace streetlights in the shire with environmentally-friendly lights, significantly reducing greenhouse emissions, and a $200,000 program to continue drought-proofing sports reserves.
A grants program worth $400,000 will support community organisations deliver funding for festivals and special events, local historical societies and several more community-based initiatives and programs.
A revaluation of all properties in Cardinia Shire in early 2008 provided the basis for the rating structure.
The council has maintained the differential rating system which recognises that people living in different areas of the shire have access to varying levels of service.
Copies of the budget papers are available at www.cardinia.vic.gov.au.