Goon girls shining brightest

Winners are grinners! The Nar Nar Goon Under-12 Girls team produced a season highlight for the junior football club by winning the 2024 premiership. (Supplied)

By David Nagel

Nar Nar Goon Junior Football Club recently celebrated the incredible achievements of its players, coaches, volunteers and teams at its 2024 Presentation Day.

Special cheers were saved for the Under-12 Girls team, who clinched the premiership this year, and also for Chloe Varty (Under-12 Girls) and Ollie Flegg (Under-12 Mixed) who won league best and fairest awards in their respective age groups with their leadership and skills on full display.

Nar Nar Goon was also proud to have been awarded the Most Disciplined Club award.

This recognition is voted by umpires that reflects the club’s commitment to sportsmanship.

The club has grown its community to over 200 players and continues to welcome more participants. NNG JFC invites girls of all skill levels to join the club and explore the exciting world of women’s footy and the all-abilities programs.