Call for candidates


Candidates ready to stand in the upcoming Cardinia and Baw Baw Shire Councils postal election are urged to use the Victorian Electoral Commission’s (VEC’s) newly refreshed Candidate Helper to get their applications ready for submission when nominations open on Monday 9 September.

Electoral Commissioner Sven Bluemmel reminded candidates that there are several important steps they must complete before nominating.

The VEC’s online Candidate Helper at allows candidates to pre-fill their nomination forms before submitting them at their nomination appointment.

Candidates can also watch a series of videos on key topics such as the nomination process, including the rules and procedures that apply. More information is available online at The Candidate Handbook is also available on the VEC website.

Prospective candidates are also encouraged to attend the candidate information sessions being held in each electorate before the opening of nominations.

Prospective candidates must make an appointment to submit their nomination forms and pay the $250 fee in person during business hours. They must provide evidence that they have completed the online candidate training, as this is required by law and will be shown on each candidate’s nomination form.

Candidates must make an appointment to submit their nomination form in person at the election office by calling the Candidate Helpline 03 8620 1316 between Tuesday 20 August and Monday 9 September. From Monday 9 September candidates can call 131 832 and they will be directed through to the relevant election office.

Nominations close at 12 noon on Tuesday 17 September. Late nominations will not be accepted.

More information on nominating is available at

Candidate session

Individuals who may wish to stand as a candidate in the upcoming local government elections are invited to attend an information session hosted by the Victorian Electoral Commission (VEC) and Council.

Date: Thursday 5 September 2024

Time: 6:30pm – 9:30pm

Location: Cardinia Shire Council Council Chamber, 20 Siding Avenue, Officer 3809

Registrations not required.

The session aims to prepare potential candidates with an overview of the roles and responsibilities of a councillor, an understanding of Cardinia Shire as a local government authority and the priority areas of Council to support its community now and into the future.

Facilitated by Carol Jeffs, Cardinia Shire Council chief executive officer, and Ian Herron, the election manager appointed by the VEC, attendees will receive a candidate information kit containing nomination forms and other electoral information to assist in the lead up to nominations.

Cardinia Shire’s local government elections will be held by post this October.