Locals pack hotel for knitting day

Lyn from Officer finishing a blanket to be donated to charity A Better Life For Foster Kids. Pictures: COREY EVERITT 413182_04

Locals unravelled yarns and got those needles working away to create an array of soft woollen creations together, following on from World Wide Knit in Public Day recently.

Hosted at Beaconsfield’s Pink Hill Hotel on Wednesday 12 June, the local effort was initiated by housing provider Lifestyle Communities who last year attracted almost 50 people to the June knitting event.

This year they moved the event to the hotel for a day of coffee, cakes, chat while knitting blankets, beanies, teddy bears and much more.

Many residents from all over the South East came together to knit away. The finished products went to grandkids and charities, including Backpacks 4 VIC Kids in Cranbourne to CODA Disability Support in Caulfield.